Affording Oldfields


Day Student
Tuition: $31,000
Annual School Fee: $0

Domestic Five-Day Boarding Student
Tuition: $47,000
Annual School Fee: $0

Domestic Seven-Day Boarding Student
Tuition: $59,000
Annual School Fee: $0

International Seven-Day Boarding Student
Tuition: $59,000
Annual School Fee for International Students: $4,000

International Student Health Insurance: The student health insurance fee may be waived by students who have comparable U.S.-based health insurance that provides coverage while in Maryland.
$2,785 (12 months) or $2,495 (10 months)

The Annual School Fee includes but is not limited to technology support, on-campus meals, laundry, membership in The Oldfields School Parent Association (OPA), student activity fees, and some health center fees. For some off-campus trips, participating students may be charged. May Program, riding lessons, Academic Strategies Program, private music lessons and private tutoring services come at additional costs. Health insurance is available at an additional fee.

Tuition Payment Options

In order to accommodate Oldfields families’ preferences, multiple payment plans are offered:

  • 1 payment due in July

  • 2 yearly payments, 60% due in July and 40% due in November

  • 6 monthly payments beginning in August

  • 9 monthly payments beginning in May

Please note:

  • International students must make payment on or before July 25 via FLYWIRE

  • All students selecting multiple payments (2, 6, or 9) must pay via FACTS

  • For families seeking financing for tuition, we recommend exploring TUITION SOLUTION

Tuition Assistance Application

Oldfields uses CLARITY to process tuition assistance applications. This service is available in both English and Spanish.

  1.  After February 1, financial assistance awards will be determined on a first come, first-come-first-serve basis.

  2. Upload the following documents:

  • Previous year's Federal Tax Return (Form 1040) - Copies must be signed and all supporting schedules and forms must be submitted by February 1.

  • Current year's W-2s and/or 1099s(if applicable) – Copies must be signed and all supporting schedules and forms must be submitted by February 1.

  • Current year’s Federal Tax Return (Form 1040) - Copies must be signed and all supporting schedules and forms must be submitted by April 15.

All awards sent with new acceptance and re-enrollment contracts are tentative until verification of current year’s Federal Tax Return.

Tuition Assistance Frequently Asked Questions

  • Any family who is interested in applying for tuition assistance may apply through CLARITY to be considered for need-based tuition assistance. There is a limited tuition assistance budget for international applicants who apply through CLARITY.

  • Tuition assistance applicants outnumber those who do not request financial assistance. Therefore, we are unable to make awards to all families who request need-based tuition assistance.

  • If a family does not receive all of the need-based tuition aid they hoped for, it is highly unlikely that additional funding will be available in subsequent years, unless there is a significant change in the family’s financial circumstances (i.e. job loss, death or illness of a parent, etc.) Depending on the financial need of the new applicants and returning students, Oldfields School may or may not be able to extend tuition assistance to those who make requests for reconsideration or for those on the tuition assistance waitlist. We encourage you to consider the various payment plans and external tuition assistance plans available. If you would like to be reconsidered, please submit a letter of appeal within 30 days of your original contract receipt to

  • Oldfields School subscribes to the principles and services of CLARITY to determine an applicant’s need. School and Student Services is a needs-analysis system that provides a basic guideline to provide consistency in assessing need. The Finance Committee reviews all completed applications and determines the tuition assistance award for each student based on family income. Oldfields School is committed to meeting the financial need of its accepted and returning students.

  • In situations of divorce or separation, all parents must complete a Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) and provide his/her tax documents. Parents and legal guardians have the primary responsibility to finance the education of his/her child, to the extent they are able. Therefore, we require a completed Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) and tax return from each parent/guardian. Documentation should be provided in cases where a parent/guardian is no longer financially responsible for his/her child.

  • Oldfields School requires that all applicants complete and submit the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) to CLARITY and upload all supporting documentation each year that a student wishes to return to Oldfields School and receive tuition assistance. These items must be submitted by their assigned deadlines. Awards are evaluated annually by the Finance Committee and based on the most recent year’s financial information. There is also the expectation that, as with all Oldfields School students, your daughter’s re-enrollment and subsequent tuition assistance award is contingent upon her maintaining a high level of citizenship and scholarship. The Finance Committee will review and, when possible, make adjustments appropriate to changes in financial resources and tuition increases. Oldfields School cannot always guarantee meeting the increased needs and changes in the family’s financial situation, but will do our best to consider all requests.

  • Yes. If parents/guardians own their own business, he/she will need to provide their business tax return as well as their personal tax return. Please be sure to submit all tax documentation including, but not limited to, K-1s, 1120s, 1065s, and your Schedule E.

  • Oldfields School does not assign fee waivers to families for completion of the PFS. CLARITY will apply a fee waiver at the end of the application depending upon income and information provided. If you need further information, please contact

  • If more than one child in a family attends a tuition-charging institution, it is required that a family applying for financial assistance does so at each of the institutions their children attend. However, a family only needs to complete one Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) listing all of the schools that children will be applying to. Please be sure to include all children and educational expenses in the designated section of the PFS.
    When you have children in college, CLARITY will take that into consideration. Colleges/universities, however, do not necessarily take into consideration tuition at independent schools. Families often receive more tuition assistance from independent schools than from colleges/universities; however, colleges/universities are more flexible in their awarding of merit awards.

  • Tuition assistance decisions are sent to parents of newly admitted students with their admission decision. For applications submitted on February 1, the notification date for day students is February 15 and for boarding students is March 10. Returning students will receive their tuition assistance decisions with their re-enrollment contracts in February. The Admission office will communicate directly with returning families.

  • All financial information submitted in support of a tuition assistance application is held in strict confidence. All tuition assistance awards are confidential agreements between the recipient family and Oldfields School. Therefore, it is the expectation that tuition assistance recipients, and their families, will honor this confidentiality as well; a student may forfeit her award if this confidentiality is breached.

Tuition Assistance Philosophy

We recognize the decision to send your daughter to Oldfields is a significant investment in her future. Together, we can provide your daughter with this life-changing opportunity. Our Director of Financial Aid encourages your family to speak with us directly, no matter your stage in the admission process. Your conversation will be family-focused, and can include, but is not limited to: an overview of Oldfields School’s tuition assistance program, understanding the tuition assistance application, reviewing the additional costs included in sending your daughter to an independent school, and sustaining your family’s contribution during your daughter's time at Oldfields. We encourage students to apply irrespective of financial need. 

While the primary responsibility for financing a student's education rests with the family, a strong tuition financial assistance program supports Oldfields’ commitment to a qualified, motivated, and diverse student body. To assist families in meeting the cost of an Oldfields School education, we offer need-based assistance, merit awards, and payment plans. In the 2019-2020 school year $1.4 million dollars of financial aid was granted. Nearly 45% of our families receive some form of financial assistance.

Oldfields School’s tuition is a comprehensive fee that includes the cost of most activities, athletics, and most academic support outside of ASP. Both boarding and day students benefit from a wide variety of after school and weekend activities that extend their learning far beyond the classroom. The result is education with a deeper level of personal connection that opens doors (and minds) to bigger and broader opportunities for discovery.