Affording Oldfields
Day Student
Tuition: $31,000
Domestic Five-Day Boarding Student
Tuition: $47,000
Domestic Seven-Day Boarding Student
Tuition: $59,000
Riding Program Fees (for Oldfields students)
Riding Program Base Fee
Includes five days of riding (with a minimum of three lessons) per week.
Optional Riding Fees:
Full and half leases of horses available for Oldfields students. Please contact the admissions office for more information on pricing.
Typical Other Costs
Laptop - $500 - $1500
Books - $100 - $300
International Student Health Insurance $800-$2,000
May Program $700 - $2,000
SAT/ACT/AP $68 - $100/test
Tutoring $50-$100/hour
Calculator $100-$200
Off Campus Weekend Outings $50 - $200/semester
Tuition Payment Options
In order to accommodate Oldfields families’ preferences, multiple payment plans are offered:
1 payment due in July
2 yearly payments, 60% due in July and 40% due in November
6 monthly payments beginning in August
9 monthly payments beginning in May
Please note: All families will have a FACTS account. FACTS is the system of record for student billing. Parents may pay FACTS directly using a US Bank Account, Credit Card, or International Payment via Flywire. Families may also make payment directly to the school via US Check or Cash.
Tuition Assistance Application
Oldfields uses an external software, CLARITY, to process financial aid applications. This service is available in both English and Spanish.
Returning families who have a completed application on file by February 1 will be notified of their award simultaneously with the issuance of an enrollment contract.
New families are encouraged to apply for financial assistance during the admissions process so their award can be part of their admission package.
Families submitting financial aid applications after February 1 should allow the School 14 days to process their application.
Financial Aid awards are not made in advance of admission.
Required Documents:
Permission to obtain Federal Tax Return Transcript
W-2s and/or 1099s for tax year just completed
A business return may also be requested, when applicable.
International families will need to provide proof of income
Who must complete the application:
For each student, financial information must be provided by each parent/guardian and the spouse of any parent/guardian. (There are exceptions which require documentation. Please email Admissions Office if you have questions).
All families are encouraged to apply for financial assistance, but only students with a demonstrated financial need will receive an award. We recognized that an Oldfields education is a sacrifice, but hope to make it a sustainable investment. Any family who is interested in applying for financial aid must apply through CLARITY to be considered for a financial aid award.
Families should apply for assistance through CLARITY.
The application will open on December 1.
All returning families seeking assistance must complete an application and upload required tax documents by February 1.
New families should apply within two weeks of submitting their admissions application.
All families with a demonstrated need receive an award, with the goal of making an Oldfields education a feasible expense; however due to our size awards rarely exceed 75% of the comprehensive fee.
Families may appeal their award. As part of the appeal they will have to provide additional information that demonstrates a clear need (e.g. recent loss of employment, extraordinary medical expenses). If you would like to be reconsidered, please submit a letter of appeal within 30 days of your original contract receipt to Admission@OldfieldsSchool.org. You cannot appeal your award once you have signed the tuition agreement.
Oldfields School uses a 3rd party processor, CLARITY, to collect information and to determine an applicant’s demonstrated need. The Financial Aid Committee reviews all completed applications and determines the financial aid award for each student based on family income and non-discretionary expenses. Oldfields School is committed to making an Oldfields education a manageable sacrifice for all accepted and returning students.
All parents/guardians and any spouse of a parent/guardian must complete an application and provide required documents. Parents and legal guardians have the primary responsibility to finance the education of his/her child, to the extent they are able. Therefore, we require a completed application and documentation from each parent/guardian , as well as any spouse of the parent/guardian. Each household (separate physical address) must submit a separate application. In the event a parent/guardian is no longer financially responsible for his/her child documentation must be provided, and the school may waive the application requirement for that parent/guardian.
Oldfields School requires that all applicants complete a financial aid application and provide all supporting documentation. These items must be submitted by their assigned deadlines. Awards are evaluated annually by the Financial Aid Committee and based on the most recent year’s financial information. When determining awards for returning students, the Financial Aid Committee will be mindful of the prior years award and changes in finances.
Often parents with substantial business income will be asked to provide additional information.
Fee waivers are not available through the school, but maybe available from CLARITY
If more than one child in a family attends a tuition-charging institution, it is expected that the family will apply for financial assistance at each of the institutions their children attend. Please be sure to include all children and educational expenses in the designated section of the application.
When you have children in college, the model will take that into consideration. Colleges/universities, however, do not normally take into consideration tuition at independent schools.
Financial aid decisions are issued concurrently with enrollment contracts.
All financial information submitted in support of a financial aid application is held in strict confidence.
For technical assistance please contact Clarity support at support@clarityapp.com or 206-210-3752. If you have questions about the admission or financial aid process, please reach out to Oldfields’ admission team at admissions@oldfieldsschool.org.
Tuition Assistance Frequently Asked Questions
Tuition Assistance Philosophy
We recognize the decision to send your daughter to Oldfields is a significant investment in her future. To that end, Oldfields School provides need-based financial aid to make Oldfields a manageable sacrifice.
Each family is unique. We encourage you to reach out to us at any point to discuss the financial aid process. Your conversation will be family-focused and can include, but is not limited to: an overview of Oldfields School’s financial aid program, understanding the financial aid application, and reviewing the additional costs included in sending your daughter to a day and boarding school for girls.
While the primary responsibility for financing a student's education rests with the family, a strong tuition financial assistance program supports the School’s commitment to a qualified and diverse student body. To assist families in meeting the cost of an Oldfields School education, we offer both need-based assistance and payment plan options.
Note: There are a limited number of funds available to defray the costs of the riding program. Students who apply for need based financial assistance and participate in the riding program will be considered for these funds automatically.