Self-discovery through teamwork.
In keeping with the School's mission, Oldfields athletics emphasizes the value of each individual and respect for others. Our athletes learn teamwork, sportsmanship, personal commitment, attainable goal setting, and an appreciation for a lifetime of activity. As one of the first girls' schools to pioneer an athletic program in 1878, we have always valued the personal growth that athletics provides on and off the field. In a culture of supportive and nurturing instruction, students of all levels of experience are taught to be leaders, compete as proud ambassadors of Oldfields, and experience the life lessons of being on a team. Whether you are trying out new sports or honing your skills in an existing passion, the bottom line is you will build deep and lasting connections with your peers.
Teams are led by inspiring coaches who understand the necessity for dedication and work ethic above all else. A unique benefit of Oldfields Athletics is that the relationship between our athletes and coaches extends well beyond the field, court, ring, or stage. Coaches are also teachers, dorm parents, and advisors. These multiple levels of connection lead to an even richer athletic experience.
Oldfields Basketball Teams, 1920
Interscholastic Sports
Oldfields competes against local independent and parochial schools in and around the Baltimore Metro area. While the school currently offers a select number of team sports, these options provide our students with valuable opportunities for passion and personal growth.*
*Pending based on level of interest
Co-Curricular Options
We believe that true personal growth isn’t about limiting a student to one area of specialization, but rather providing them with the flexibility to explore many interests. Our breadth and depth in co-curricular activities allow our basketball star to be the lead in the musical, or our volleyball blocker to discover a love for yoga. It’s not unusual to have our students try something different each term.
Fitness and Conditioning
*Pending based on level of interest