Annual support to The Oldfields Fund is essential

Our priority and primary fundraising focus each year is The Oldfields Fund. Strong participation demonstrates the shared commitment of our entire Oldfields community.

Your gifts have a direct and immediate effect. The Oldfields Fund allows the School to go beyond what tuition dollars provide, ensuring each student has the highest quality education and experience. Furthermore, it gives flexibility to meet unanticipated needs that can arise throughout the school year. The time is now to get involved with Oldfields!

As we build a culture of philanthropy, together, we can ignite excellence and shape the future of Oldfields School.

Ways to Give

  • Make checks payable to Oldfields School.

    Send to: Oldfields School
    ATTN: The Oldfields Fund
    1500 Glencoe Rd
    Sparks-Glencoe, Md 21152

  • Gifts of appreciated securities are an excellent way to make a gift to Oldfields. Donors receive a charitable tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the day that they are transferred.

    To transfer stock:

    Contact: Tell Fritzler, Director of the Oldfields Fund

    Clearing Firm: First Clearing Corp/Wells Fargo
    Name of Account: Oldfields School Inc Gift Account
    DTC#: 0141
    Account Number: 5481-6255
    Reference: Donor Name

    Brokerage Firm Contact Information:
    Katharine E.W. Dudley
    Jemma Financial Services
    810 Gleneagles Ct., Suite 109
    Baltimore, Maryland 21286
    443.279.2007 /

  • The Largo Core Society honors alumnae, current parents, parents of alumnae, faculty, staff, trustees, and friends who have made provisions in their estate plans for the benefit of Oldfields School. Planned gifts to Oldfields enable you to make a lasting contribution to the School you love—a contribution that will have a significant impact even beyond your lifetime.

    By making a planned gift a donor becomes a member of The Largo Core Society. Planned gifts include, but are not limited to, bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, gifts of life insurance and retirement plan assets.

  • Many employers sponsor Matching Gift Programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees, retirees and/or their spouses. To determine if an employer has a matching gift policy contact the Human Resources Department. Through an employer’s Matching Gift Program a gift can double or even triple in size and increase a donor's support of the School.

  • Simplify your giving and increase your impact with an automatic monthly debit or credit card charge. The Sheep on the Hill Club recognizes donors who set up a recurring monthly donation throughout the fiscal year. To be a member visit our secure online giving page.

Donor Recognition Levels | Every contribution matters and we are grateful to donors at each gift level. 

Oldfields School Benefactors Society

  • Oldfields Circle: $25,000 or more

  • Old House Circle: $10,000 to $24,999

  • Lantern Circle: $5,000 to $9,999

  • 1867 Circle: $1,000 to $4,999

  • Green & White for young alumnae:
    2010 – 2019……$500 to $999
    2020 – 2024……$100 to $499

Sycamore Circle | The Sycamore Circle recognizes donors who have contributed annually to the Oldfields Fund for three or more consecutive years.


What is The Oldfields Fund?

The Oldfields Fund is annual giving support by alumnae, family and friends throughout the fiscal year.

  • The Oldfields Fund supports:
    • Financial aid
    • Academic programming
    • Student life
    • Athletics
    • Campus upgrades
    • Professional development

  • Capital and Endowment Fundraising Efforts
    The School needs annual operating support to plan and provide for the School’s long-term financial health and sustainability. The Oldfields Fund does not address capital and endowment needs. Support to the Oldfields capital campaign and endowment enables long term viability. 

Why is participation in The Oldfields Fund important?

Participation in The Oldfields Fund demonstrates unity within the Oldfields community and is an indicates of strength when seeking support from foundations and corporations.

When should I/we make a gift?

Annually, The Oldfields Fund runs from July 1 to June 30 and donors are encouraged to make a gift or pledge before December 31. Making a gift or pledge early in the fiscal year significantly helps the School in the annual budgeting process.

How much should I/we give?

Oldfields families and alumnae are asked to make the School and its students their top philanthropic priority. The act of giving is just as important as the gift itself. Gifts of all sizes matter. By giving, you are committing to the mission of Oldfields. Because philanthropic support is such a personal decision, ask each family or individual to make a gift at a level that is most comfortable. For some, that gift is $25, for others it is $100,000. 

What is the difference between The Oldfields Fund, capital campaign, and a planned giving?

The Oldfields Fund is for unrestricted use and supports all aspects of community life. A gift to The Oldfields Fund is payable within the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).

Capital campaign giving is a specific amount that supports capital projects (campus renovations), scholarships and endowment.

Planned gifts benefit Oldfields’ long term financial needs while leaving a lasting legacy of you and your family. Planned gifts may include a gift of a trust or annuity, stock, real estate, life insurance, or naming Oldfields as a beneficiary of your pension plan.

Are Gifts Tax Deductible?

We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization under the Federal Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to Oldfields School are deductible pursuant to the prevailing tax laws.

Other Ways to Support

  • Connect with Your Classmates

    Reach out to your former classmates and encourage them to reconnect with each other and with Oldfields School. By fostering a strong sense of community we strengthen our network of support for the School.

  • Become a Class Agent

    Serve as a liaison between your graduating class and the School, encouraging classmates to get involved in the campaign and organizing class-specific fundraising efforts. Your role as a class representative is vital in fostering a sense of unity and collective support.

  • Join the Green and White Unite Campaign Committee

    Become an integral part of our team, where you'll work alongside dedicated volunteers to strategize, plan, and execute fundraising initiatives. Whether you have experience in fundraising, event planning, marketing, or admissions recruiting, there's a place for you to make a significant contribution to our efforts.

  • Spread the Word

    Help us in recruiting talented students to join our community. Support admissions and refer a student. Share your personal story with friends, family, and fellow alumnae. Stay connected through our Facebook and Instagram pages, and be sure to share our posts! Together, we can amplify our message and exceed our admissions and fundraising goals.

  • Stewardship of the Oldfields Campus

    Help us identify opportunities that support our responsible stewardship of our beautiful campus and diversify our revenue sources.

  • Be a Pathways Speaker